On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 11:59, Aleksander Machniak <a...@alec.pl> wrote:

> Also, I have a case in which iconv_* functions were much much slower
> than mbstring. See wordwrap implementation in
> https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/blob/master/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_mime.php#L589

Either I misread, or you did: I thought that's exactly what Christoph was
saying, that iconv_* functions will be slower because they basically do
convert-process-unconvert rather than having implementations for each
encoding. So mb_strlen will always be faster than iconv_strlen.

iconv() vs mb_convert_encoding() doesn't have the same penalty. It seems
quite plausible that a library dedicated to converting charsets would be
more optimised for that job than a single function in a larger library
mainly focussed on working with one charset at a time.

Rowan Tommins

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