Hi Craig,

https://github.com/laruence/taint#taint notes that
"Please note that do not enable this extension in product(ion) env, since it 
will slowdown your app."

- That repo already provides is_tainted()  http://docs.php.net/is_tainted

  A fork of that repo would theoretically allow implementing is_literal() as 
described in the RFC - is that the implementation plan?
- The slowdown would be a large problem if this feature was always on.

  And if it can be implemented as a PECL module, that would be more preferable 
to me than a core module of php.
  If it was in core, having to support that feature may limit optimizations or 
implementation changes that could be done in the future.

If it's implemented in the same way as taint (i.e. cannot be used in 
combination with XDebug, blackfire, newrelic, etc),
that would also be a problem for including it in core.
If it wasn't, then it'd slow down concatenation, calls, etc. even when the 
application didn't need is_literal.

I also imagine that whether or not opcache was enabled is likely to affect 
whether or not
something ends up being a literal or not
(e.g. opcache can evaluate functions such as str_repeat() for literals at 
compile time)
https://github.com/laruence/taint/blob/master/taint.c seems to already support 
a whitelist (php_taint_override_func),
so that isn't insurmountable for functions,
but it's possible `if ($local === 'literal') { process($local); }` would only 
satisfy is_literal() with opcache enabled.

Related projects (static analysis instead of runtime checks, though):

It's also worth noting that `vimeo/psalm` had an in progress way to detect some 
ways in which tainted strings may be used by applications, based on a paper by 
 (for HHVM, though))
https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/issues/611#issuecomment-515153305 - but it isn't 
completed or usable yet, as far as I can tell.

Wikimedia also created 
https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/tools/phan/SecurityCheckPlugin/ , but 
that's currently beta.
Both would have ways they fail to catch every way an argument could be passed 
to a function (e.g. unanalyzable dynamic/framework calls)

- Tyson

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