On Mon, Mar 23, 2020, at 3:08 PM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
> Just as a follow up where I just asked Greg Anderson of Pantheon on 
> their community Slack in the #community channel about supporting new 
> versions of PHP and ability to install PECL extensions. It pretty much 
> follows exactly what I have been saying:
> =====================
> Greg Anderson [Pantheon]: 
> =====================
> In terms of upgrading PHP, it's a mixed bag. Some hosts are slow, some 
> are fast. Pantheon is pretty quick about updating patch releases. Minor 
> releases, though, are usually not prioritized right away because it is 
> assumed that most customers won't want to upgrade to the latest patch 
> release until Drupal / WordPress supports it.
> There's also the question of how much work it is to upgrade. 7.0, 7.2, 
> and 7.4 required some fixing.  7.1 and 7.3 pretty much worked out of 
> the box.
> In instanced where there's very little work to be done, we usually can 
> slip it onto the platform right away. If it takes some time, then the 
> card goes to product, and product prioritizes it against all of our 
> other features.
> -------
> Regarding PECL, no, you cannot add any compiled extensions on Pantheon. 
> You have to use what we package; you can see what's available from this 
> php-info link: https://v74-php-info.pantheonsite.io/
> If a lot of customers request an extension, then Product might go ahead 
> and give us a card to add it to the platform.
> It's not much work to add an extension, but there's a maintenance cost, 
> so really not very many of these get added (beyond the base set already 
> identified)
> -------
> Sure, you can buy a nice Digital Ocean container and put whatever you 
> want on it. Our customers want something different, though, so there's 
> a trade-off.
> Maybe if PHP came with a "bundled" distro with a base set of PECL 
> extensions tested and added, managed hosts would decide to pick that up.
> =====================

Platform.sh, the managed host I work for, has offered every version of PHP 
since 7.1 day-of-release, and we also have a long list of available PECL 
extensions that can be enabled by adding a line to a YAML file.  We also have a 
built-in build pipline where you can download and compile/install most other 
extensions as desired.  We're also a Git-based host with every Git branch able 
to be a running environment.

It's not that managed hosts can't make new-stuff easily available.  It's that 
many don't.  But enough do that if you need the latest-and-greatest, you have 
plenty of options.

--Larry Garfield

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