On Wed, 25 Mar 2020 at 15:29, Ilija Tovilo <ilija.tov...@me.com> wrote:

> I don't think this would add any significant benefit over:
> ```php
> $x = true switch {
>     $x  !== null && $x < 5 => ...
> }
> ```

The problem with that is that it requires a temporary variable to be
switched on. If I want to switch on, say, a method call, I can write this
for equality:

$result = $this->foo($bar) switch {
    1 => 'hello',
    2 => 'hi',
    3 => 'goodbye'

For inequalities, the switch(true) version looks something like this (the
parentheses would probably be optional, but I'd personally use them for

$temp = $this->foo($bar);
$result = true switch {
    ($temp <= 1) => 'hello',
    ($temp == 2) => 'hi',
    default => 'goodbye'

Using $$ to mean "value tested" would mean you could get rid of the temp
variable, and just write this:

$result = $this->foo($bar) switch {
     ($$ <= 1) => 'hello',
     ($$ == 2) => 'hi',
     default => 'goodbye'

I've also previously thought about specifying an operator for switch
statements, which could be used with expressions as well, e.g.

$result = $this->foo($bar) switch <= {
     1 => 'hello',
     2 => 'hi',
     default => 'goodbye'

Again, though, this is something that could be added to switch statements
and expressions together, as a separate RFC.

Rowan Tommins

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