On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 23:04, Ilija Tovilo <tovilo.il...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Having two syntaxes for one keyword is not a good idea,
> We're already doing that. What about classes vs anonymous objects?
> Functions vs closures?
> They're using the same keywords. There's no confusion.
> Ilija
> --
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No offence but, that argument is dumb.

A closure and a function are the same thing because the Closure class
comes from a need to have consistent functions regardless of scope.

And an anonymous object still behaves like a normal object, you can
extend it, add methods to it, use traits.

On the contrary having two different meaning for a fundamental construct
is just weird, and if that goes to vote I'll vote against it.

Moreover, no need to repeat mistakes other languages have made.

Best regards

George P. Banyard

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