On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 6:11 PM Theodore Brown <theodor...@outlook.com>

> On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 5:49 AM Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de>
> wrote:
> > As there has only been minimal new discussion after the last changes to
> the
> > RFC I wanted to give a heads up that I will open the vote on Monday
> > afternoon.
> >
> > If you have further remarks or questions about the RFC, please let me
> know.
> >
> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 3:42 PM Benjamin Eberlei <kont...@beberlei.de>
> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I want to resurrect Dmitrys Attributes RFC that was rejected for 7.1 in
> > > 2016 with a few changes, incorporating feedback from the mailing list
> back
> > > then and from talking to previous no voters.
> > >
> > > The RFC is at https://wiki.php.net/rfc/attributes_v2
> Hi Benjamin,
> Thanks for working on this RFC. I have a couple questions and
> thoughts about the proposed syntax options.
> First, the RFC says that the alternate T_ATTRIBUTE `@:` token has the
> downside "that it does not permit whitespace in attribute names to
> allow detecting the ending of the declaration." Can you provide an
> example of an attribute name containing whitespace that would be allowed
> with the shift left/right tokens but not with the attribute token?

This is about whitespaes between token and attribute name, so "@:Foo" is
allowed but "@: Foo" is not.
Whereas with the hugging As, <<Foo>> and << Foo >> is allowed. This might
come in handy if potentially we allow grouping attributes in the future
such that:

   Foo("bar", 1+1),
   Bar("baz", 2+2)

> The RFC says that "Semantically the attribute declaration should be
> read as instantiating a class with the attribute name and passing
> arguments to the constructor." But class names can't contain spaces,
> so how is it a downside for attribute names to not permit them either?
> It seems like it would be a massive footgun to allow attribute names
> that *can't* resolve to a class name, since there would be no way to
> migrate them to a declared attribute class without a BC break. For this
> reason, regardless of the final syntax choice I think whitespace should
> not be permitted in attribute names.

This paragraph becomes a non-issue then, the attribute names themselves
don't have spaces in them, so they are always valid.

> Secondly, given that attribute arguments are evaluated as constant
> expressions, it's far easier for me to read the T_ATTRIBUTE `@:` syntax
> at a glance than the syntax reusing shift left/right tokens. With the
> latter my eyes tend to confuse shift left/right tokens in a constant
> expression with the open/close token of an attribute (especially since
> the syntax using bit shift tokens allows multiple attribute declarations
> on the same line).
> Consider this example using the shift left/right token syntax:
> ```php
> <<BitShiftExample(4 >> 1, 4 << 1)>><<OtherAttribute(4 >> 1, 4 << 1)>>
> function foo() {}
> ```
> To me the same thing using the T_ATTRIBUTE syntax is far more readable:
> ```php
> @:BitShiftExample(4 >> 1, 4 << 1)
> @:OtherAttribute(4 >> 1, 4 << 1)
> function foo() {}
> ```

This is a personal assumption here, but I would assume 95% of developers
have never used >> or << before or for a long time and maybe 80% don't even
know what bit shift means and how it works. I would think nobody needs this
in attributes.

The syntax is a secondary vote though, so you can just vote your preference

> Best regards,
> Theodore

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