On Fri, 10 Jul 2020 at 11:24, Marco Pivetta <ocram...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If "array" is all you have to pass on  as input, `fromArray` is what you
> can certainly use: that's useful when de-serializing from JSON input, DB,
> serialized state, etc.
> It certainly isn't meant to pass in the array via hand-crafted map: that's
> what other (additional) named ctors would be for.

As I said in my previous response, I think this comes down to an
unfortunate example - if what you actually have is an array, then yes,
fromArray makes sense.

One of the use cases for named parameters happens to look superficially
similar to that, because it can be worked around by first creating an
array, and then passing it somewhere. But the input you actually have is
not an array, it is a set of variables from multiple sources, or a set of
hard-coded parameters of different types that configure the functionality.

One aspect I'd like to highlight is that named parameters aren't just
useful for large numbers of individual parameters, but large numbers of
_valid combinations_.

For instance, with two optional parameters, you can quite easily have named
methods to omit one or the other:

function fromFoo($foo)
function fromBar($bar)
function fromFooAndBar($foo, $bar)

You could even skip the third method by having optional parameters on one
or both of the other two.

But this list would increase exponentially; with only three parameters, you
would need:

function fromFoo($foo)
function fromBar($bar)
function fromBaz($baz)
function fromFooAndBar($foo, $bar)
function fromFooAndBaz($foo, $baz)
function fromBarAndBaz($bar, $baz)
function fromFooAndBarAndBaz($foo, $bar, $baz)

Right now, there is no elegant way to combine these into one function

Named parameters are one solution, because they let you specify defaults
for all parameters:

function fromFooAndOrBarAndOrBaz($foo=42, $bar=true, $baz=[])

Another solution is parameter skipping, which was declined largely because
people preferred named params: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/skipparams

The only other alternative I know of is the builder pattern
($builder->withFoo($foo)->withBar($bar)->withBaz($baz)->build()), which at
least makes the boilerplate scale linearly rather than exponentially, but
is still going to require dozens of lines of code to achieve what named
parameters can do with one.

Rowan Tommins

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