On 16.08.20 01:07, Paul M. Jones wrote:
/me furrows brow
If I understand correctly, that means the currently-running vote overlaps with 
the discussion period?  If so, that sounds (again) highly irregular.

The proper thing to do here is a full reset: restart the 2-week discussion 
period at the moment the current vote is declared null and void, then start a 
new vote (if the RFC is not withdrawn) after thatn 2-week period.

Basically, the sooner the current vote is explicitly declared null and avoid, 
the sooner the properly-conducted 2-week discussion period can begin.

Restarting the vote in basically 2 days seems a bit crazy to me too -
that would just be as over-hastily as the last time. Again, I don't get
it - Sara suggested the 21st as the earliest date to restart the vote.
Why does everything has to be done so hastily, and how should a proper
discussion happen this way?

Benjamin Eberlei is saying that they are now including the arguments for
enclosing - and then in two days the vote starts? How should a
discussion happen about these points if there is no time for people to
actually think about it and respond? As far as I can tell, that is what
the 14 days of RFC discussion is about, or longer if needed - to discuss
open questions, to include them in the RFC, and make sure a good
decision is made with all pertinent information included.

By the way, the DocBlock argument Benjamin Eberlei is mentioning is not
new - yet annotations in DocBlocks do not need the ending symbol of */ -
that is not what encloses annotations, it is what encloses any possible
comments. In comparison, an attribute always consists of a class name
and then possible parameters, enclosed by parentheses. Peter Bowyer
mentioned that the "ending delimiter" argument has been obfuscated to a
point where the meaning or reason remains unclear, and I agree - this
should be fully explained, discussed and appropriately included in the
RFC. I just looked at the RFC - this remains unclear as of now, and
deserves its own discussion which still has not happened yet.

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