> We are working to integrate our arguments in favour of enclosing from that 
> Derick and I made in this and the previous thread into the RFC at the moment, 
> as the lack of them is a valid point of criticism.
> Additionally, Derick and I are waiting for word from Sara and Gabriel at the 
> moment, but we suggested to close and reset the vote to wait until the 
> discussion period is over on Tuesday to accommodate the criticism of us 
> prematurely starting the vote (by accident, not intentionally). We will take 
> the time to update the RFC with all discussions from here and the previous 
> thread with arguments that have come up.

Can I make a suggestion?

Make the new or updated RFC a primary vote on: "Should attributes be
enclosed in delimiters?"
This is what we're really discussing and that would make the intention
and everything that follows much clearer.
Then the secondary votes can be on the preferred block syntax.
Voting no means to keep @@ (unless there's another RFC for voting to
change that for another syntax without ending delimiter).

We've had two RFC's now that both had the primary vote being basically
"Are you ok to vote?" - A vote on whether or not to vote???
Maybe it's not a coincidence that both results were considered
disasters by a big chunk of voters.

The primary vote should be on the RFC and the RFC should have a clear
intention. Once you vote yes to the RFC as a whole, any secondary
votes should be just details - mostly about "taste" so to speak and
anyone voting yes on the primary vote should be happy to accept any
outcome of any secondary vote. If that's not the case, the RFC


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