On 21/08/2020 15:19, Volker Theile wrote:
IMO PAM is an essential feature that is required by professional
applications. Sadly the PECL extensionhttps://pecl.php.net/package/PAM
is not maintained anymore and can't be used in PHP7 without patching it.

According to that PECL listing, the last release of that extension was in 2009, when PHP 5.3 was the exciting new version.

I can think of a few explanations for there not being any releases in that time:

* The functionality is as essential as you say, and PHP has been in terminal decline for the last 10 years. * The functionality is actually available, but you're looking in the wrong place. * There are not as many people as you think who need or want this functionality.

The third option seems the most likely.

That doesn't mean there's no hope of it being maintained, but it does mean you need to try harder to track down other people who are interested - as others have said, features don't become maintained because of where they are in version control, they become maintained because somebody puts in the effort to maintain them.

That means either you putting in that effort, or you persuading someone else to; if nothing else works, you might be able to pay someone to do it.


Rowan Tommins (né Collins)

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