I've just cut the release branch for PHP-8.0.0 final which will be released
in one week on 26 Nov.  Minor bug fixes can continue to be merged via the
PHP-8.0 branch for inclusion in 8.0.1, but 8.0.0 will be precisely what
8.0.0RC5 contained unless serious issues are encountered.

If you feel you have a fix which should be included in the 8.0.0 final
release, please let Gabriel and I know which commit you would like
cherry-picked onto that release spur.

Please also help me out by reviewing the NEWS, UPGRADING, and
UPGRADING.INTERNALS files: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/PHP-8.0.0/

Lastly, there are likely still gaps in the documentation of new features,
so please take a moment away from code to make the manual better.


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