On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 1:05 PM Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com>
> On 23/02/2021 18:41, Albert Casademont wrote:
> > Sure, it's not a big deal having to write the ": null" but it doesn't
> > any value
> On the contrary, it adds an important piece of information: that the
> default value is "null", rather than "false", or "0", or "new
> For instance, it doesn't seem at all obvious to me that this code should
> produce a null:
> $items = [];
> $itemCount = $items ? count($items);
> I might be more convinced that "null" is the "natural" value if the
> left-hand operand was only checked against null, not "falsiness": in
> that case, you can read it as "if it's null, leave it alone". I'd still
> be inclined towards "too specific to use up more syntax", though.

This sums up my feelings on the topic very well.   The proposal seeks to
remove clarity of intent to save four characters.  Hard nope as presented.


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