Le 10/05/2021 Γ  23:51, Kamil Tekiela a Γ©critΒ :
Hi Internals,

Could we drop the bottom-posting rule?
I'm opposed to dropping the bottom-posting rule, for the simple reason that you naturally read from top to bottom, and most people don't bother reading again the whole thread when they read a single answer.
Mail clients don't make it easy for us; it's hidden by default.
Thunderbird doesn't hide anything.
Bottom-posting makes reading the thread much more difficult too. The actual 
reply gets lost in between the
quoted content.
It's in natural reading order, most people do post trimming as well, which mean that they remove useless text and keep only quotes they reply to, which makes it even more natural to read.
Many modern clients are designed to handle top-posting and don't
handle bottom-posting well.
Not all mail clients, personally Thunderbird is a modern client, at least as modern as are the others, and mine does bottom-post per default.
If you want to quote someone then it makes sense to copy a part of the
message and then add a reply below
Yes, that's the way !
forcing people to remove the default reply from the mail client and then add 
the whole previous message
on top of your own reply isn't very productive. It wastes time and screen space.
Then you mail client is evil and fights against you if it forces you to copy paste and rearrange.



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