Hi internals,

> I've created a new RFC https://wiki.php.net/rfc/cachediterable adding 
> CachedIterable,
> which eagerly evaluates any iterable and contains an immutable copy of the 
> keys and values of the iterable it was constructed from
> This has the proposed signature:
> ```
> final class CachedIterable implements IteratorAggregate, Countable, 
> JsonSerializable
> {
>     public function __construct(iterable $iterator) {}
>     public function getIterator(): InternalIterator {}
>     public function count(): int {}
>     // [[$key1, $value1], [$key2, $value2]]
>     public static function fromPairs(array $pairs): CachedIterable {}
>     // [[$key1, $value1], [$key2, $value2]]
>     public function toPairs(): array{} 
>     public function __serialize(): array {}  // [$k1, $v1, $k2, $v2,...]
>     public function __unserialize(array $data): void {}
>     // useful for converting iterables back to arrays for further processing
>     public function keys(): array {}  // [$k1, $k2, ...]
>     public function values(): array {}  // [$v1, $v2, ...]
>     // useful to efficiently get offsets at the middle/end of a long iterable
>     public function keyAt(int $offset): mixed {}
>     public function valueAt(int $offset): mixed {}
>     // '[["key1","value1"],["key2","value2"]]' instead of '{...}'
>     public function jsonSerialize(): array {}
>     // dynamic properties are forbidden
> }
> ```
> Currently, PHP does not provide a built-in way to store the state of an 
> arbitrary iterable for reuse later
> (when the iterable has arbitrary keys, or when keys might be repeated). It 
> would be useful to do so for many use cases, such as:
> 1. Creating a rewindable copy of a non-rewindable Traversable 
> 2. Generating an IteratorAggregate from a class still implementing Iterator
> 3. In the future, providing internal or userland helpers such as 
> iterable_flip(iterable $input), iterable_take(iterable $input, int $limit),
>     iterable_chunk(iterable $input, int $chunk_size), iterable_reverse(), etc 
> (these are not part of the RFC)
> 4. Providing memory-efficient random access to both keys and values of 
> arbitrary key-value sequences 
> Having this implemented as an internal class would also allow it to be much 
> more efficient than a userland solution
> (in terms of time to create, time to iterate over the result, and total 
> memory usage). See https://wiki.php.net/rfc/cachediterable#benchmarks
> After some consideration, this is being created as a standalone RFC, and 
> going in the global namespace:
> - Based on early feedback on 
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/any_all_on_iterable#straw_poll (on the namespace 
> preferred in previous polls)
>   It seems like it's way too early for me to be proposing namespaces in any 
> RFCs for PHP adding to modules that already exist, when there is no consensus.
>   An earlier attempt by others on creating a policy for namespaces in 
> general(https://wiki.php.net/rfc/php_namespace_policy#vote) also did not pass.
>   Having even 40% of voters opposed to introducing a given namespace (in 
> pre-existing modules)
>   makes it an impractical choice when RFCs require a 2/3 majority to pass.
> - While some may argue that a different namespace might pass,
>   https://wiki.php.net/rfc/any_all_on_iterable_straw_poll_namespace#vote had 
> a sharp dropoff in feedback after the 3rd form.
>   I don't know how to interpret that - e.g. are unranked namespaces preferred 
> even less than the options that were ranked or just not seen as affecting the 
> final result.

A heads up - I will probably start voting on 
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/cachediterable this weekend after 
https://wiki.php.net/rfc/cachediterable_straw_poll is finished.

Any other feedback on CachedIterable?


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