On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 8:40 AM Pierre <pierre-...@processus.org> wrote:
> Le 10/06/2021 à 16:16, tyson andre a écrit :
> > So I'm probably changing this to `ImmutableTraversable` as a short name for 
> > the functionality,
> > to make it clear arguments are eagerly evaluated when it is created.
> > (ImmutableSequence may be expected to only contain values, and would be 
> > confused with the ds PECL's 
> > https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.ds-sequence.php)
> Hello,
> And why not simply RewindableIterator ? Isn't it the prominent feature
> of it ?
> Agreed it's immutable, but a lot of traversable could be as well.
> Regards,
> --
> Pierre
> --
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All iterators are "rewindable", though of course not in practice. I
would avoid such names because we may eventually add an interface
which works as a "tag" to say "yes, I actually do support rewinding."

The property of being rewindable comes from it being cached. Maybe
`CachedAggregate`? Aggregates are data structures from which an
external iterator can be obtained, so it makes a bit more sense if
it's eager.

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