On Thu, Sep 2, 2021, at 10:10 AM, Go Kudo wrote:
> Hi Internals.
> Expanded from the previous RFC and changed it to an RFC that organizes the
> whole PHP random number generator. Also, the target version has been
> changed to 8.2.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/rng_extension
> https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/7453
> Hopefully you will get some good responses.
> Regards,
> Go Kudo

This looks pretty nice to my unskilled eye.  Two questions.

1) Why is the number generator a parent class rather than an interface?  It 
seems like an interface target.  And either way it needs more clarity about how 
you'd write one for reals.  (It returns an int, so does that mean getBytes() 
just derives from a series of ints?)

2) You don't mention the CSPRNG functions at all.  Is there any intention to 
fold those into this model as well, or to leave those as is?  Or is the Secure 
generator implementation intended to replace those?  It's unclear here.

--Larry Garfield

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