Hi Peter Bowyer,

> > > To echo Pierre, a Vector needs to be of a single guaranteed type.
> > > Yes, this gets us back to the generics conversation again, but I presume
> > (perhaps naively?) there are ways to address this question without getting
> > into full-blown generics.
> >
> > Yep, as you said, this type is mixed, just like the SplFixedArray,
> > ArrayObject, values of SplObjectStorage/WeakMap, etc.
> >
> Please rename your proposal as the use of the term "Vector" is confusing
> for people who use them in other languages. Much of the discussion so far
> has been around whether it's a Vector or what it should be; changing the
> proposed name will allow the discussion to focus on what you're proposing
> to add, not what others (myself included) would like to see added to PHP :)

Many of php's names are based on the naming choices in libraries made in C/C++.
So using https://cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/ for my RFC 
seems like the most natural naming choice,
and would make it easier for people with backgrounds in that family of 
languages to find the functionality they're looking for.
PHP already has a SplStack, SplQueue, etc, like C++'s `stack`, `queue`, etc.

I expect having a second `Stack` would be confusing and make it hard to 
remember which is the efficient one.
(Especially since stacks typically don't include specialized resizing methods)

No alternative names have been suggested by you or them so far, as far as I 
remember, and 2 of those responders seem to be saying they would vote no 
regardless of the choice of name (for reasons such as wanting generic-like 
functionality, wanting immutability or built-in types, etc.).
PHP's already using List to refer to linked lists, and `array` in PHP already 
refers to a hash table (including in ArrayObject).
So I expect a stronger objection to alternative names that I can think of.

Also, your comment is ambiguous. Are you saying that you personally object to 
the name,
or that you're fine with the name but think that the comments by 
Larry/Chris/Pierre in this email thread are representative of voters.

- People who wouldn't find the name surprising wouldn't bother writing an email 
to indicate a lack of surprise.


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