Hello Everyone,
I'm not here to to enter in "mysterious RFC processes" nor I want "to change 
the web", sorry for that.But I think that this notice is due from the fact that 
playing for your own reputation nowadays is a quite a common game. And after 
all my proposal comes as request of "simplification" of my programming life, 
and hopefuly yours. Neither I will feel depressed if my past love for ASP 
Classic is not imported in PHP: simply because this doesn't want to be a 
romantic recall of the past, neither..However: for the most curious and *info 
hungriest* I can confirm you that ASP Classic has been around for a lot of time 
and still is *silently* implemented for some mere intranet, extranet and 
websites. Time-to-time I still break on Classic ASP websites but frankly the 
language is promoted for a silent disapperance. And this obvious to all.
Prefance finished.
Since when I started to switch to PHP development I found myself failing 
sometimes on obstruct syntax and not so simple-as-on-the-go instructions. On 
the obstruct syntax, I fixed my coding erasing the more naif syntax or 
deprecated or unsafe code. On the simplicity, I found myself within the need to 
replicate a lot of Classic ASP simple instructions (mostly time and dates, 
string manipulation instructions, etc) and starting a sort of PHP 
Simplification Process on some other instructions like is_set that became 
is_set1, accepting a default value; adding to filtring functionalities, by reg 
expressions; etc, etc.
Why this RFC Concept? Well, I finally found myself keeping around with a couple 
(also a dozen) of  includes files with "simplified functions" that probably you 
are in good habbits to create by your own too - maybe. Second, missing the the 
second factor in a "mystical war" between languages (see Classic ASP), I don't 
see the reason why we can look to "import" some good stuff from there 
simplifing the developement process of all for the better?
Waiting your considerations and.. Hope this helps!
Daniele Boninihttp://github.com/par7133


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