Hi internals,

In PHP 8.1, it is possible to allow constructing any class name in an 
initializer, after the approval of https://wiki.php.net/rfc/new_in_initializers

php > static $x1 = new ArrayObject(['key' => 'value']);
php > static $x2 = new stdClass();
php > static $x3 = (object)['key' => 'value'];

Fatal error: Constant expression contains invalid operations in php shell code 
on line 1

What are your thoughts on allowing the `(object)` cast in initializer types 
where `new` was already allowed, but only when followed by an array literal 
node. (e.g. continue to forbid `(object)SOME_CONSTANT`) (see 

stdClass has never implemented a factory method such as `__set_state` (which is 
not yet allowed). Instead, `(object)[]` or the `(object)array()` shorthand is 
typically used when a generic object literal is needed. This is also how php 
represents objects in var_export.

php > var_export(new stdClass());
(object) array(

- The ability to construct empty stdClass instances but not non-empty ones is 
something users would find surprising,
  and a lack of support for `(object)[]` be even more inconsistent if factory 
methods were allowed in the future.
- stdClass is useful for some developers, e.g. in unit tests, when using 
libraries requiring it for parameters,
  when you need to ensure data is encoded as a JSON `{}` rather than `[]`, etc.
- It would help developers write a clearer api contract for methods,
  e.g. `function setData(stdClass $default = (object)['key' => 'value'])`
  is clearer than `function setData(?stdClass $default = null) { $default ??= 
(object)['key' => 'value']; ` 
- stdClass may be the only efficient built-in way to represent objects with 
arbitrary names if RFCs such as https://externals.io/message/115800 

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