On Mon, 28 Feb 2022 at 17:42, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:

> Bringing internal functions into line with user-space was the correct
> move.  There may be internals functions that make sense to be nullable on
> their own right, on a case by case basis.  We can evaluate that case by
> case.

Thanks Larry,

I agree about bringing them into line, but I think our understanding of
NULL may be different... these are PHP scripts which have used NULL as a
distinct value for, well, forever? and many developers expect it to be
coerced like the other values.

And while some developers use strict_types=1 (like myself) because we like
the type to match up without values being coerced (I should be the one that
manually chooses to convert)... I don't think I should force that strict
coding style onto everyone, because there is nothing technically wrong with
passing NULL into functions like urlencode(), it just implies, iff you use
strict_types=1, that something may have gone wrong earlier.

As an aside, I often note that many developers who talk about how strict
their code is... obv not you, but many still use 'unsafe-inline' JavaScript
on their websites (mixing content), and don't use Trusted Types to disable
unsafe JS APIs, which I consider a much bigger security concern :-)

And after all of this, no-one has come up with a way to find or address
this problem, e.g.

  $nullable = ($_GET['a'] ?? NULL);
  echo htmlentities($nullable);

./vendor/bin/psalm --init ./public/ 4
  No errors found!

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l 9 ./public/
  [OK] No errors

./vendor/bin/phpcs -p public/ --standard=PHPCompatibility
  . 1 / 1 (100%)

./vendor/bin/rector process ./public/
  [OK] Rector is done!


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