On Thu, Apr 28, 2022, at 9:05 AM, Côme Chilliet wrote:
> Le lundi 25 avril 2022, 18:19:33 CEST Rowan Tommins a écrit :
>> Look at how the untyped property behaves in this example: 
>> https://3v4l.org/nClNs The property disappears from var_dump(), but is 
>> not actually deleted from the object, as seen by it still being private 
>> when assigned a new value. Given that we have the magic "uninitialized" 
>> state, and we're proposing to make reading an unset property an error, 
>> it would make more sense for it to show as '["untyped":"Foo":private] => 
>> uninitialized(mixed)'
> I second that it would make sense for an untyped property to behave the 
> same as a typed one with type mixed.
> Getting a behavior change by adding a mixed typing to an untyped 
> property is highly unexpected.
> Côme

Changing the logic so that untyped properties are essentially a shorthand for 
typing mixed (like no-visibility is a shorthand for public) could be beneficial 
in the long run.  It would be more consistent, and with the robustness around 
null-based tooling now that also works with undefined, it would probably not be 
too drastic a break if people knew to prepare for it (vis, happen in 9).  I 
could get behind that, but that should be its own separate RFC.

--Larry Garfield

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