On 6 May 2022 23:16:37 BST, Jordan LeDoux <jordan.led...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I'm not sure at this point how voters think objects and operators should
>work together into the future. I'd like to see if anyone is willing to have
>high-level discussion about the ideas, instead of picking at the
>implementation or details of a particular RFC.

Hi Jordan,

I like Larry's "4 levels", but I've been thinking that there's some existing 
functionality in PHP which takes a different direction: rather than overloading 
*operators*, the language lets you overload *behaviour*. We have magic methods 
like __get and __call, and interfaces like Iterator, Countable, and 
ArrayAccess. Some hook into a particular function, or even operator, but 
they're generally described in terms of what they do, not what they look like, 
if you see what I mean.

From that point of view, overloading comparison and equality *behaviour* makes 
sense - it could affect not just the == and <=> operators, but things like 
in_array() and sort(). I think this distinction is more pronounced in PHP than 
some languages, because the standard library isn't "self-hosted": a sort() call 
doesn't literally compile to a call to $a <=> $b

It's less obvious how that applies to mathematical operators - should 
implementing "addition" allow an object to be used with array_sum() perhaps? 
And what about deriving one operation from another, e.g. $foo*3 running 
$foo+$foo+$foo, or $foo**3 running $foo*$foo*$foo?

I don't really have a conclusion here, I just wanted to throw it out there as a 
different mental model to consider.


Rowan Tommins

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