On 12-5-2022 18:54, Juliette Reinders Folmer wrote:
After the prior discussion about the same topic: https://externals.io/message/117342, I have created an RFC to expand the scope of the deprecation notices being thrown for the deprecated partially supported callables to include is_callable() and the callable type in PHP 8.2.

With this email I'm opening the two week discussion period for this RFC. All points raised in the prior discussion are already included in the RFC.


I look forward to your feedback.

Seeing how there isn't any new discussions on this RFC and presuming that means that the previous discussion touched all concerns, I propose to open the vote on this RFC tomorrow.

RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/partially-supported-callables-expand-deprecation-notices

If anyone still wants to know a little more about the background, you may want to have a listen to Derick's podcast about this RFC: https://phpinternals.news/101


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