On Mon, Aug 8, 2022, at 3:54 AM, Mike Schinkel wrote:
> 3.) I have concerns about the proposed methods isProtectedSet() and 
> isPrivateSet().  
> These names feels like we are asking if some thing "Set" is "Protected" or 
> "Private" where no such "thing" exists in this context.  
> In other words it reads as if you are asking "Is it a *protected* Set?" or 
> "Is it a *private* Set?"  Such naming also does not relate to the Property 
> itself which is what the prefix verb "is" is acting on.
> I would propose instead we consider the following are these instead would be 
> asking the *ability* to "Set" the Property is "Protected" or "Private" where 
> The Property is again what the prefix verb "is" is acting on:
> isSetProtected()
> isSetPrivate()
> isGetProtected(), and
> isGetPrivate()

I feel almost as if we shouldn't pollute ReflectionProperty with these 
additional methods but should instead have something like 
ReflectionAsymmetricProperty, which would in turn extend ReflectionProperty. 

I guess it depends on how it's handled. If all property handling is updated so 
that "public int $number" is identical to "public:get public:set int $number", 
there's no issue, but if we treat those with separate visibilities to be 
additional, it probably makes sense to be somewhat separate.

While isGetProtected() is technically false for "public int $number", if it's 
not inferred, it's semantically incorrect. A good example of this is 
ReflectionMethod::getPrototype, which throws an exception if there's no 
prototype. Although this is somewhat bizarre, it is at least a thing we do.

Best Regards,
*Ollie Read*

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