
On 8/1/22 14:58, G. P. B. wrote:
- Add a new UnserializationFailureException extends Exception (or
whatever color the bikeshed should have). Any existing catch blocks
should still match, as Exception is more general. It would break for
ext/spl, though. Unless UnserializationFailureException extends

As we would be breaking BC with ext/date anyway I think having it just
extend Exception would be fine

- Add a helper function that throws this Exception with a consistent
- Upgrade unserialize() from Notice to UnserializationFailureException.

Notice to Exception might be a big jump, E_WARNING definitely an then
promote to an Exception in 9.0 is probably more in line with what we did
for 7.x/8.0

I've created a PoC implementation here: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/9425.

- Instead of requiring everyone to adjust their `__unserialize()` implementation, the PoC instead wraps any exception that is thrown during unserialization into the UnserializationFailureException. That way, classes can emit their own meaningful error messages, while developers can just catch `UnserializationFailedException` to handle everything.

- I've noticed that 'unserialize()' already emits E_WARNING for some types of error (e.g. out-of-bounds integers), so users already need to be prepared for E_WARNING to be emitted. I've adjusted the aforementioned Notice to Warning, but we might be able to directly jump to UnserializationFailedException from the existing warnings?

Of course I also plan to create a proper RFC for this, once PHP 8.2 RC dust has settled a bit.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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