Hi Derick, Thomas,

Op do 16 feb. 2023 om 08:57 schreef Derick Rethans <der...@php.net>:

> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/unicode_text_processing
> And yes, that won't be as fast as just calling strtoupper.
> cheers
> Derick

Looks great!!!

Complex string manipulation inside an object will be faster then all
copying variables around in memory,
like Thomas kindly explained in his post. If I understand correctly....

And it would make php even more mature, gaining from more OOP.

Op wo 15 feb. 2023 om 20:35 schreef Thomas Hruska <thru...@cubiclesoft.com>:

> <......>

Doing that operation one time is fast enough and not really a problem.
> Doing it 1,000,000 times in a loop is where we end up constantly copying
> memory around when we could potentially work on the same memory buffer
> the entire time.  We still might end up using the same memory buffers
> over and over due to recycling them through the PHP memory pool, which
> means the buffers might get to sit in the L1 or L2 cache in the CPU, but
> it does leave some performance on the table because copying a buffer or
> portions of it repeatedly can be an unnecessary operation.  Buffers that
> are larger than the CPU's cache line sizes are going to suffer the most
> because there will be constant requests to main memory for the
> information that the CPU needs to modify and will constantly flush the
> cache lines and stall out while waiting for more data to arrive.  That's
> not exactly optimal/ideal.  Modifying the same buffer inline will be
> more likely stay in the L1 and L2 cache lines and therefore be much
> closer to the CPU core, resulting in notably faster performance.
> Pointers in C are much faster than copying memory.  The problem is
> exposing pointers to userland, especially in Internet-facing software.
> Pointers are notoriously unsafe - just look at the zillion buffer
> overflow vulnerabilities (CVEs) that are reported annually across all
> software products.  Copy-on-write, by comparison, is a much safer
> operation at the cost of performance.  However, pointers let us just
> point at a substring or general chunk of memory instead of copying it,
> which significantly reduces the overhead since pointers are simple
> integer values that contain a memory address.  And those values are
> small enough to sit in CPU registers, which are blazing fast.  CPUs only
> have a handful of registers though because each register dramatically
> increases the cost of the CPU die.  So if we can just point at the

memory we want to "extract" instead of actually copying the data into
> its own string object, we can potentially save a ton of CPU cycles,
> especially when working with data inside a loop.
> Overall, I think substrings offer the most obvious/apparent area for
> performance gains and probably have, implementation details aside, the
> least amount of friction.  But maybe we should consider the larger
> ecosystem of string functions as well?  Or should this just be a
> possible longer term idea that requires more thought and research and
> thus the scope should be limited and we put Lydia's idea under Future
> Scope in the RFC?  Other thoughts/comments?
> Added as Open Issue 10 to the RFC.  Thank you for your input.
> Thomas Hruska

Thanks for your kind and extended explanation.
I know a little about the memory allocations.

But I am not sure about what to conclude from your explanation. If an
object would take less copying around or not.

This memory conversation brings up other old memories ☺... peek, pook,
assembly etc 😍

Greetz, flexJoly (aka Lydia)

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