Hello everyone,

I would like to propose the deprecation of the constants DATE_ISO8601,
DateTimeInterface::ISO8601 and DateTimeInterface::RFC7231, DATE_RFC7231.

Arguments for deprecating DATE_ISO8601:
- outdated format, standard has been changed while ago
- incompatible with format ISO8601_EXPANDED
- misleading behavior for developers [1]
- doesn't support microseconds [3] <https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=51950>
- many misunderstandings in the userland [4]
[5] <https://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/#api-commonformats>

In my opinion the question is not whether this constant should be
deprecated, but when. I know that the problem was discussed in the past,
but I hope enough time has passed already to touch this topic again
although of the BC nature. [6] <https://externals.io/message/113657#114885>

Arguments for deprecating DATE_RFC7231:
- error prone nature, the format never really supported timezone. I'm not
sure how it appeared in the code, but tests clearly lack cases for this
format. I'm not sure if it was missed on purpose, but with tests it would
be obvious that the format shouldn't ever appear in the core. [8]
<https://www.php.net/manual/en/class.datetimeinterface.php> [9]

It's my first proposition in the PHP Core and I'm not sure if I should
suggest it through RFC or normal discussion like this. If I should propose
it in RFC then I can prepare it along with PR.

Kind regards,

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