
This reminds me of something.
There's an interesting paper about ReDoS resilience in different regex engines.
Some programming languages, including PHP, are evaluated there and compared: 
PHP has some configuration knobs for pcre 
(https://www.php.net/manual/en/pcre.configuration.php), not a lot to tune but 
maybe they can be?
To be honest, I haven't looked much into this.

Interesting topics, but I think not the top priority for the security audit, due to the fact that in PHP common use, regexps rarely come from a third party, and if they do (e.g. if you're writing a RE-driven search engine) you'd probably have potentially expensive searches anyway and thus make some ways to deal with it.

In general, I think there are two security aspects we're dealing with - one is guarding PHP user from a hostile third party, and another is guarding PHP developer from writing the code that may expose the end user. I think the former is the higher priority, though both are ultimately important.

Stas Malyshev

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