El El sáb, 28 de oct. de 2023 a la(s) 19:25, Jordan LeDoux <
jordan.led...@gmail.com> escribió:

> On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 10:54 AM juan carlos morales <
> dev.juan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What I mean is more about … migrating a running php instance to another
>> node or another php instance, in fact your php code is running, suddenly
>> we
>> Need to move to another node, how to do it?
> This seems less like a discussion about a PHP feature and more like you
> asking internals for tech support at work, honestly. As far as I know,
> there isn't a way to do what you're asking, because you can accomplish the
> same thing much easier by designing your application better to make API
> calls to services, which is what people have already suggested. The PHP way
> to handle the root cause of your problem (too many resources being used on
> a single machine) is to divide the application into services and use APIs,
> often through sockets, the delegate work to those services.
> There are also other ways of handling this common problem in web
> application architecture. You can break up the request into multiple
> requests on the client side so that the user sees progress happen in
> chunks. You can use tools like RabbitMQ or other queuing services to
> perform certain long-running tasks asynchronously. You can use more
> powerful hardware or provision more capable nodes.
> In fact, several of these actually fall under the Actor/Object or Dataflow
> model of implementing Distributed Programming. What PHP does not support is
> the Distributed Shared Memory model of implementing Distributed Programming
> (which is what you are asking about apparently) because doing so would
> almost certainly make PHP worse at the things it is well suited for, would
> massively complicate the work of maintaining and developing the language
> for the contributors to the language, and would be a massive undertaking to
> implement in the first place.
> PHP has distributed programming features. In fact, all of the suggestions
> you have received so far ARE ways of doing distributed programming
> features. But internals is not your, or my, or anyone else's personal tech
> support channel, and personally it feels like you haven't explained what it
> is you want to discuss with internals about improving or changing PHP's
> support for distributed programming. Are you interested in working on an
> RFC to clone a PHP process onto a remote box? I can't imagine that would
> get much support here, or be something that is very simple to do.
> Jordan

Hello Jordan, thanks for the reply. When I read you, I have the feeling
that you are a little angry about my question, please dont.

It is a very honest question, that do belong to the internals, because if
PHP does not have a way to do it, I would like to think a way to do it
(despite the fact someone believes is useful or not, it is just me).

So again, thanks!, dont get mad :D, and I will come back later on this
topic, in a more clear way, maybe I am not expressing myself clearly.


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