
This thread has gone from zero-to-toxic in no time flat, and with some 
participants being borderline condescending.  It is almost as if some folk are 
still in kindergarten.

Maybe try a different approach, from both sides of this debate?

For the advocates, how about explaining the use-cases for static classes, why 
you want or need to use them instead of the proposed alternatives, and 
especially pointing out any ways in which the proposed alternatives do not 
address the same issues and/or provide equivalent functionality as static 
classes would?

And for the status-quoians, while I know you feel namespaces address the 
reasons you believe people want static classes, you feel it is bad practice to 
use static classes for those reasons, and you lament that programmers still use 
static classes instead of namespaces, maybe consider exploring *why* developers 
still use static classes instead of namespaces?  And please, consider if there 
is a better way to answer that question rather than falling back on the canard 
that those programmers either don't know any better, or are actively choosing 
to cause harm to all the PHP community and all its collective code across the 

Maybe there are very good reasons developers actively prefer to use static 
classes instead of namespaces? And if you actively try to discover those 
reasons, maybe you can consider discussing how to address them rather than just 
dismissing the desire to use them as developers choosing to use 

Are there missing features the language offers users of static classes that it 
does not offer namespaces?  Are static classes more ergonomic to use than 
namespaces?  Or are there other reasons to use static classes over namespaces?  
(Note for this email I am not taking a position pro or con, I just posing the 

If collectively you discover there are gaps between namespaces and static 
classes, maybe the solution is to fill those gaps instead?  Maybe that means 
improving namespaces, maybe that means adding static classes, or maybe it means 
some unmentioned 3rd option? Either way such an approach is likely going to be 
more productive than a quasi-religious/political rally with extremists on both 
sides protesting the other.

That is, unless those of you participating really prefer to have divisive 
debates that result in no positive outcomes, in which case, knock yourselves 
out. 🤷‍♂️


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