On Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 6:22 PM Bruce Weirdan <weir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Larry and others
> On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 12:57 AM Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I've added an FAQ section explaining why the Python/JS approach wouldn't 
> > really work.  To be clear, Ilija and I spent 100+ hours doing research and 
> > design before we started implementation (back in mid-late 2022).  We did 
> > seriously consider the JS-style syntax, but in the end we found it created 
> > more problems than it solves.  For the type of language PHP is (explicit 
> > typed properties), doing it on the property itself is a much cleaner 
> > approach.
> The section you added [1] seems to focus on having both `public string
> $fistName` and `public function get/set firstName():string`, and how
> it's hard to keep types and visibility in sync. But I'm not sure if
> you considered making properties and accessors mutually exclusive. I
> mean the following:
> ```php
> class Person
> {
>     public string $firstName;      // compile time error, setter/getter 
> defined
>     public function __construct(private string $first, private string $last) 
> {}
>     public function get firstName(): string       // compile time
> error, property defined
>     {
>         return $this->first . " " . $this->last;
>     }
>     public function set firstName(string $value): void     // compile
> time error, property defined
>     {
>         [$this->first, $this->last] = explode(' ', $value);
>     }
> }
> ```
> This seems to address most of the counterpoints you listed, to some degree:
> > What is the property type of the $firstName property?
> Well, you propose to allow wider write-types yourself, so the question
> would apply there as well. But presumably, the property type is its
> read type - so whatever getter returns.
> > but there's nothing inherent that forces, public string $firstName, get 
> > firstName()s return and set firstName()s parameter to be the same. Even if 
> > we could detect it as a compile error, it means one more thing that the 
> > developer has to keep track of and get right, in three different places.
> With mutually exclusive accessors and properties it becomes just two
> places. And yes, accessor consistency would need to be checked at
> compile time. But the same can be said for the widening of write type
> you proposed.
> > What about visibility? Do the get/set methods need to have the same 
> > visibility as the property?
> When there's no property the question becomes moot.
> > If not, does that become a way to do asymmetric visibility?
> Yes.
> > What about inconsistency between the method's visibility and the property 
> > visibility? How is that handled?
> There's no inconsistency when there's no property. Accessor visibility
> can be different - allowing the asymmetric visibility you wanted to
> implement in your other RFC.
> > How do you differentiate between virtual and non-virtual properties?
> This one is hard to answer without asking another question: why would
> you need to? Does the requirement to know it stem from engine
> implementation details, or do you need as a person writing code in
> PHP?
> > For non-virtual properties, if you need to triple-enter everything, we're 
> > back to constructors pre-promotion. Plus, the accessor methods could be 
> > anywhere in the class, potentially hundreds of lines away. That means just 
> > looking at the property declaration doesn't tell you what its logic is; the 
> > logic may be on line 960, which only makes keeping its type/visibility in 
> > sync with the property harder.
> Forbidding property declaration reduces that to double. The rest is
> mostly stylistic and can be said about traditional
> (non-constructor-promoted) properties as well.
> Now this approach naturally has some open questions, foremost about
> inheritance. But we probably don't need to go into those details if
> you already explored this way and found some technical obstacles. If
> you did, it would probably make sense to list them in the FAQ section.
> [1] 
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/property-hooks#why_not_pythonjavascript-style_accessor_methods

Resending this since I've never got a reply and it's quite possible
the message got lost due to mail list issues.

  Best regards,
      Bruce Weirdan                                     mailto:weir...@gmail.com

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