Hello Derick,

actually one of the reasons i pushed hard to get the exception hirarchy
in is the current acceptance of 'the early bird catches the fish'. We
should do somethign against it. Naming your classes no 'DateTime' and
'DateTimeZone' is pretty fair to me as it will also follow the current
naming scheme. When we have namespaces we should simply put all internal
classes in their extension namespace or even better in the one global
PHP namespace and nowhere else. Putting it elsewhere is for the users
not for us. But still we are facing problems in php 5. There is already
a class Date_Time. Though the good news here is that it has no release
yet and i guess Pierre would agree to rename the class yet again (not
liking it but doing it nonetheless). (Hmm does that mean i am back to
early and worms?). Conclusion for me so far is that i see two ways:

1) PhpDate, PhpTimeZone

This introduces a new naming scheme, one that would solve all problems
for the moment. The moment only as sooner or later someone will code
a framework and use 'php' prefix and complain and also a bunch of users
most likely have php prefix in use already.

2) DateTime, DateTimeZone

A single alpha released pecl extension has a problem, well that imo is
not that bad conflict and can be solved before it is being released.
This also has the advantage that we follow our naming scheme. Well to
be pedantic we would have to discuss whetherthe extension has to be
renamed to 'DateTime' then.

All in all the user should be free at naming around standards set by
php and frameworks. And those standards should be designed in a way
that easily allow to invent clash free names. That is using prefix and
postfix notation. Any framework not following a nameing scheme like
that should change. And for php 6 i whish we would clean up our names
to follow a defined naming scheme.

best regards

Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 9:14:34 AM, you wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Jul 2006, Lukas Smith wrote:

>> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> > I can see Andrei's argument for the iterator stuff where you do actually
>> > have to type it often, but his identifiers are already unlikely to clash 
>> > and
>> > we could probably make an exception there.
>> Well then we need to document this!
>> In my proposal I also noted:
>> Iterators and Exceptions are however simply postfixed with "Iterator" and
>> "Exception". Examples:
>>     * ArrayIterator
>>     * LogicException
>> However I fear that the PHP community is instead adopting this as their
>> userland naming standard to follow internals unless we quickly move and tell
>> them not to.

> Exactly my point as well. (And yes, adding Exceptions already broke some 
> stuff in earlier versions of my code so this point is quite real)

> regards,
> Derick

Best regards,

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