Hello Pierre,

Thursday, July 20, 2006, 11:15:05 PM, you wrote:

> On 7/20/06, Marcus Boerger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Pierre,
>>   actually i think we should no longer accept EXPERIMENTAL extensions in
>> core, though from my view at pecl/zip it should have reached a stable
>> state just right now, am i correct?

> Ok, it is getting really ridiculuous. Where have you found this idea?
> What does mean EXPERIMENTAL? It means that's the API can change, or
> that you should try it and help us to make it stable as soon as
> possible.

> Time to be serious now?

I am but you obviously prefer to bring instable suff into core or what
now? Until now my idea of Zip was a stable idea so you could easily have
removed the tag file. The above said makes me thing that it is far away
from stable otherwise you wouldn't again have insulted the one who did
not share your opinion and that even without reason....calm down relax
and play nicely

Best regards,

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