
On Thu, 20 Jul 2006 23:26:58 +0200
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcus Boerger) wrote:

> I am but you obviously prefer to bring instable suff into core or what
> now? Until now my idea of Zip was a stable idea so you could easily
> have removed the tag file. The above said makes me thing that it is
> far away from stable otherwise you wouldn't again have insulted the
> one who did not share your opinion and that even without
> reason....calm down relax and play nicely

I play nicely and I'm not calm. You are clearly turning this simple
question into a personal FUD. Like you did about the zip stream in
pecl list (yes, I give you another reason to shoot it down).

I will move to beta when we (the users and I) consider that the API
will not change. That means that one can use in production without the
risk to break everything on update.

About the stability of the code, I think this extension is way more
stable than its predecessor (which was in core) and as stable as many
recent additions (from pecl or not).

About adding experimental extension in ""core"", then please make a
proposal. It will make other people start to release beta/stable
package of untested code and without any users feedback about the API
(which always ends to BC breaks). I'm not sure I'm going to like that.

-- Pierre

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