Michael Walter wrote:
> Right. But then those people add 2 + 2 and get frustrated because they
> can't do the obvious ;)

I find it all but obvious to being able to use non-local, non-global
variables in PHP. It's one of the main PHP points IMHO that a variables
is either local or explicitely accessed through $_GLOBALS (or super
globals). It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling that I know everything
else is undefined and won't clash.

>> If somebody has a real-life demonstrated NEED for the
>> closures/scoping, by all means, bring it up.
> Plain old google brought up:
>  http://groovy.codehaus.org/Martin+Fowler's+closure+examples+in+Groovy
> among other hits (Groovy syntax should be easy enough to follow).

He said real-life examples (-:C

- Chris

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