Michael Wallner wrote:
> Jochem Maas wrote:
>> $args = array('foo' => array('bar' => array(1,2,3), 'quz' => array(1,2,3)));
>> echo '/foo.php?'.http_build_query($args);
>> foo.php --- 8< ---
>> var_dump($_GET['foo']);
>> the var_dump() output used to be a neat nested array, but since 5.1.3 
>> [although I remember
>> it as 5.1.6] http_build_query() makes htmlentities of the square brackets so 
>> therefore
>> the var_dump() gives you a string.
> Works as expected here with v5.2

I'll take your word on it (although I can't be sure exactly what it is that you 
which means the change has been reverted, or the input parsing stuff has been 
changed to
recognize escaped square brackets as if they were not escaped - I know for sure
that http_build_query() did escape quare brackets in 5.1.6 and that url query 
that included escaped square brackets were not parsed into [nested] arrays.

a bug closed bug shows that this was changed for 5.1.3:


> Regards,

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