Hi Lars,

In the meanwhile .. check out spl_object_hash


Lars Schultz wrote:
Hi there

I just tried to switch from 5.1 to 5.2.3 and got thrown off right away by:
"Object of class MyObject could not be converted to string"

I googled a bit and also read any Messages in the internals list but couldn't find a decisive answer as to wether this will stay this way or not.

In the "PHP 5 Bug Summary Report" I found Bug # 40799
"change string conversion behaviour for objects not implementing __toString()"

which is still open. I don't want to complain or anything but I'd like to know wether it's feasible to wait for a change in this current, modified, behaviour or if it's going to stay this way.

I used the previous behaviour mostly for debugging purposes where I wanted to get a visual (string) handle for any given object, which helps ALOT when trying to figure out wether one has a copy or the original and wether to references point to the same object....(obj1 === obj2 is not always helpful). Is there any other way than casting an object to a string to get an objects #ID?

Thanks for your time.

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