What I actually need, not the object hash but simply its unique id.
And in this case "object(Foo)#1" would be just fine. How can I get it?
That was my original Question too;) It's been stated that the automatic cast into a string even if it does not implement the __toString() function was "absolute nonsense"...but it really helped alot when you needed to check for errors quickly and easily. Why make something harder than it has to be.

Why not allow the old behaviour as long as the __toString is not implemented? Or rather something like a default implementation which is used autmatically for every class which doesn't implement it itself?

public function __toString(){
   return 'Object '. get_class($this) .'('. get_object_id($this) .')';

That'd be nice and no code breakage would result. Isn't that an approach that fits into the PHP philosophy? The new behaviour reminds me of Java's "the more userland-code, the better".

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