Pierre wrote:
On 7/18/07, Lukas Kahwe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Zeev Suraski wrote:

> Finally, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, we always need to
> remember that BC breakage accumulates, and it's not binary.  Every
> cleanup we do in PHP 6 will further slow migration, and as Andi pointed
> out a few days ago, things don't look too well as it is.

Agreed, its not binary, but its also not the simple addition of all
issues either. The effort does diminish as you can cover multiple BC
breaks in one going over your code. The key thing that we screwed up
with PHP 5.x was not providing enough documentation on the BC breaks.
Doing this better this time (the migration guides are a good start,
porting some major apps and documenting the issues is another) could
help us easy the transition as well. But as you point out, there is the
fixed overhead of having to do the QA'ing at any rate.

What we really screwed up are the breakages _after_ 5.0, between 5.0
and now. Every one expects changes and breakages between two major
major versions, no matter the language.

True that ... the way E_STRICT was handled did not help either. Still looking forward to E_DEPRECATED.


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