Constantin B wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm not sure its the right place to post this message, so redirect me if i'm
> wrong.
> Here the problematic :
> We are alot running php across multiple backend servers and we all know that
> we need to syncronise the php sources usualy we do that with rsync , some of
> us run all backends on an NFS feed.
> -> the usual problem is that the developpers like to see their changes in
> "live"
> and we dont want to let them touch the holly rsync script.
> Here the idea :
> if we could have an option in php.ini or a new wrapper localcache:/ we could
> get all require / include / require_once / include_once functions to make a
> local copy of needed files then require / include them as usualy.
> here an exemple :
> require("/path/to/file.php"); // the /path/to/file.php is on an nfs mount.
> require should :
> 1 : check in /localcopy/path/to/file.php if it exist
> 2 : then if its not too old // we can define what this means later // it
> just require it as now
> 3 : if the file does not exist or if its too old we refresh it from the
> /path/to/file.php and require it .
> result :
> 1:this will lead all scripts run unmodified but from /localcopy/
> 2: the nfs is not loaded at all and wont be a bottle neck
> 3: developpers can change their files and dont need to access the "holly
> rsync"
> 4: all the backend servers auto syncronise and keep in sync.
> We could imagine not to fetch the files from the nfs but by http also . (at
> step3 ) this remove the need of nfs at all.
> This would allow us to run large backends without the syncronisation issue .
> And would be a huge perf boost over nfs.
> I dont think it will also disturb opcode caches like apc as if we do it
> early it will not notice that the file was refreshed from "remote".
> Its just an idea but i'm sure it can be realy usefull for big farms.

This doesn't sound like something that should be part of PHP at all.
This is a generic file system caching mechanism which can be implemented
using FUSE.  There are even implementations out there of an rsyncfs
which pretty much does exactly what you are looking for.


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