True. What if we created a php.ini directive that defaulted to off that
would determine the ability to declare superglobals,
"allow_superglobals" or something.

On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 22:18 -0800, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> Sam Barrow wrote:
> > Just to make sure you understand me correctly, these are not at all
> > undeclared globals (as you said). You have to specifically turn on the
> > variables you want to be superglobals.
> They are undeclared in the individual functions where they are used.
> You can declare them all you want in your part of a large project, but
> the fact is that they end up in the superglobal namespace and developer
> #2 working on another part of the code has no idea that you made up your
> own superglobal and what used to be a function-local variable in his
> code suddenly isn't anymore.
> -Rasmus

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