Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> OSS is a collaborative process that is not about some manager
> allocating some ressources here and there. People usually make
> personal commitments here and maybe this is the bigger culture clash
> than the CLA.

Oracle contributes to a range of open source projects, big and small,
mature and too new to be known.  The commitments come at the personal
level and from management who expect their staff to work on those

OSS projects accept contributions on merit, and that doesn't always
mean knowing much about the background of the people contributing.

> What is being proposed is to turn part of PHP into something that is
> managed by a manager and the budget he gets allocated by a manager
> above him.

The proposal is a broader approach to the design and implementation of
a DB access layer.  Instead of a piecemeal, ad hoc set of designs that
ultimately reduces general productivity, I'd like to sit down and
discuss what users want and create a coherent solution.

> People do not commit access for saying what company they work for.
> People get commit access once they have send enough patches that are top
> notch, that decides they can trust them. This is the model of
> trust we have gone by. So if we are going to change this to start
> trusting a managerial process, the least we can ask is to have some
> interaction with the people that will most likely be involved there,
> even if there is a good chance that things might be shuffled around by
> the time we get to see code.

The code and strength of contributions and maintenance is the ultimate
evidence of what can be trusted.  Poor quality drivers, if they are
distributed via a PECL-only distribution, will acquire their own bad
reputation and remain little used like other dormant PECL extensions.
Or if the drivers are part of the core PHP distribution, a poor driver
should get pulled if it is not of sufficient quality as determined by
the PHP community.

I believe that all the data access providers potentially involved have
some level of skill with PHP extension writing, and they certainly
have some skill in writing software.

I hope that the data access providers are not the only people
contributing to, or gate-checking, the drivers.


Christopher Jones, Oracle
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