Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> However the point here is. There is a proposal on the table to change
> the project to be able to bring in developers we do not know,
> for code they have not yet written, for specs they have not yet
> contributed. This is flipping our development process upside down while
> adding legal hurdles.

Since the process hasn't started yet, of course some of the
participants aren't known.  I don't think PDO V2 is going to be any
different from other PHP projects: it starts at the beginning and
progress is monitored.  If it's not going well, people speak up and
decisions are made about how to correct it.

> As such the only course of action I currently is to start working. If
> you guys do not feel like you can work within the current legal bounds
> of, then I suggest you start working outside of them. Once we
> see actual value being contributed, the willingness to compromise and
> change will be much higher.

I want to see the effort spent will have value to the community.


Christopher Jones, Oracle
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