Actually nothing could support my point about giving the wrong signals
better than these two postings: They are IMHO on the wrong track on how
to make an interface better.

Krister Karlström wrote:
> This is maybe getting a bit out of topic now, but what about
> function/method overloading using type hinting:
> function myfunc(string $data) { }
> function myfunc(int $data) { }
> function myfunc(myClass $data) { }

Go back to Java please ;-)

> Arvids Godjuks wrote:
>> I think type hint's would be good optional functionality. Those who need
>> will use it, others will not. I'd probably use it in some cases.
>> Especially if named parameters are implemented.
>> Sometimes what I really want is named parameter pass like
>> function myfunc(array $array, string $string = null, int $someint = 0){
>> }
>> myfunc($myArray, someint = $mySomeInt);

While I think named parameters are a good idea I pointed out in older
postings that I think this is a very crippled approach to it: You still
have to define all the parameters you are going to accept. The real
power and flexibility comes in if you accept (and handle) arbitrary
argument lists.
See for an example of what I mean.

Okay, enough evangelism for today, back to work :-)

- Chris

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