On Jun 19, 2008, at 7:07 AM, Steph Fox wrote:

Yes, it is. Check the system_with_timeout() function in the run- tests.php script. There you've the timeout hardcoded ('$leak_check ? 300 : 60'). You would just need to make it configurable by some environment var.

I already tried hard-coding both tv_sec and tv_usec to 0 and it makes no difference here.

I can add this to PHPT - it uses a timeout based on reading the open proc. The only problem is that it is currently treated as an error. I could maybe add a new reporting level of timeout, though I do like the idea of having some sort of meta-data to conditionally skip tests.

Maybe a better solution is to add an --exclude <pattern> and ask people to either place potentially slow tests in tests/slow/, or name then <test case>.slow.phpt? Being able to exclude a pattern of test names definitely has more use than just setting a timeout.



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