Thanks Matt. I committed near the same patch.
It's not so optimal, but little bit more clear.

Thanks. Dmitry.

Matt Wilmas wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> For the behavior change that I mentioned in the other thread, with this
> code:
> function foo() {
>     static $a = -PHP_INT_MAX;
> }
> Which could work sometimes, and sometimes not (if in a namespace or
> ZEND_COMPILE_NO_CONSTANT_SUBSTITUTION is set).  I changed things so that
> there is no substitution of constants (except with CT_SUBST flag, like
> always) for compile time constants (ZEND_CT mode).  They don't create a
> FETCH_CONSTANT opcode anyway. :-)
> Another thing I realized wasn't getting optimized (runtime constants), which
> can be, is with:
> namespace foo;
> $a = ::PHP_INT_MAX;  // :: for global scope
> So the patch allows substitution there as well.
> - Matt
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dmitry Stogov"
> Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2008
>> I would propose the attached patch for this optimization.
>> Opcode caches and encoders will have to disable this optimization with
>> Any objections?
>> Thanks. Dmitry.

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