On 28.08.2008, at 16:18, Matt Wilmas wrote:

Well, it's been awhile since Alpha 1 :-), so I wanted to finally resend this before Alpha 2! I agree that the additional optimization probably wouldn't happen often, as there won't be that much namespace usage right away, I assume. But I think it makes sense to handle :: prefix constants, since
they're known to have global scope, and I can see the future [online]
optimization tip: "When using namespaces, use :: for global constants to get
compile-time substitution." ;-)

Dmitry .. if you find time to commit this tomorrow its on, otherwise this one has to stay out of 5.3.0. Speaking of which, tomorrow really is the hard deadline for feature additions. This includes additions to self contained extensions and of course anything engine related.

From Friday on the focus will be on producing a rock solid alpha2, with only clear bug and build fixes. With a beta1 hopefully to follow within 2-3 weeks. We will then see how soon we can move to RC stage. A release in October seems optimistic at this point, but not totally undoable. But things might have to slip into early November.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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