As you said before - how is it any different from just being able to
call escape("foo") or display("foo"); It's a matter of taste.  To me
that is not anymore of a meaningful name - just a different syntax and
not one your average wordpress user would know how to handle.

Well, if it's just a matter of taste - then, well, tastes differ. Saying "my taste requires every name not to have ::" is not the same as saying "namespaced functions are useless".

So essentially this is your argument for making functions a special case: your taste. I don't see any other arguments coming from you.

I'd really appreciate if you start discussing the actual issues we name and not spin rhetoric about how everything is just great once we adjust to *your* taste.

Also, if namespaces are great, I think it's time for Zend to drink the cool aid and show us where their alpha/beta of ZF with namespaces is. I think witnessing the problems with namespaces first-hand in a team with large codebase will explain things to you better than we (apparently) can here, as our experience is not taken seriously.

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