First of all, thanks for reviewing and the feedback. I knew this wasn't perfect, and tried to understand what was previously done for __get and __set and transport that to the static counterparts. Unfortunately not all "infrastructure" like the std_*_property_handler callbacks is in place for static properties so this had to be created, too.

Lukas writes:
hmm .. i also emailed Timm a few weeks ago and got no reaction. the question now is .. does someone else care enough to work through the issues Stas has noted to get things in shape to be committed?

I've been quite busy with personell and budget planning at our company and have thus had neither time yet to shift through my private e-mail nor to do any programming, be it for private projects or for PHP. I was hoping someone else might pick up on this patch and try to complete it, it's been asked for a couple of times in different forums / newsgroups / this list (a Google search reveals these). On the other hand, there's only one really good use-case that pops to my mind for __getStatic(), and maybe the "type-safe object properties" pattern Sebastian (Bergmann) had in his blog may be another one, but nothing people would care enough for (especially once compared to the feelings around namespaces), so that's probably why this hasn't happened!:-)

Stas writes:
This patch is definitely not ready, so I'd wait with it unless we get really good one very-very soon.

I guess very-very soon is already over, and yes, absolutely, this patch is far from perfection, so I'd also delay it. Maybe someone (Lars from http://wiki.php.net/rfc/static-classes?) might also want to gather some motivation for the __*Static() methods as in good use cases...

- Timm

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