On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Timm Friebe <the...@thekid.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> First of all, thanks for reviewing and the feedback. I knew this wasn't
> perfect, and tried to understand what was previously done for __get and
> __set and transport that to the static counterparts. Unfortunately not all
> "infrastructure" like the std_*_property_handler callbacks is in place for
> static properties so this had to be created, too.
> Lukas writes:
>> hmm .. i also emailed Timm a few weeks ago and got no reaction. the
>> question now is .. does someone else care enough to work through the issues
>> Stas has noted to get things in shape to be committed?
> I've been quite busy with personell and budget planning at our company and
> have thus had neither time yet to shift through my private e-mail nor to do
> any programming, be it for private projects or for PHP. I was hoping someone
> else might pick up on this patch and try to complete it, it's been asked for
> a couple of times in different forums / newsgroups / this list (a Google
> search reveals these). On the other hand, there's only one really good
> use-case that pops to my mind for __getStatic(), and maybe the "type-safe
> object properties" pattern Sebastian (Bergmann) had in his blog may be
> another one, but nothing people would care enough for (especially once
> compared to the feelings around namespaces), so that's probably why this
> hasn't happened!:-)
> Stas writes:
>> This patch is definitely not ready, so I'd wait with it unless we get
>> really good one very-very soon.
> I guess very-very soon is already over, and yes, absolutely, this patch is
> far from perfection, so I'd also delay it. Maybe someone (Lars from
> http://wiki.php.net/rfc/static-classes?) might also want to gather some
> motivation for the __*Static() methods as in good use cases...
> - Timm

Any news on this? :)
I don't see this in 5.3 but are there any hopes for pushing this on the HEAD
of 6 sometime soon? :)

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